Welcome to Kings and Queens of England
Step into the rich tapestry of England’s royal history! Explore the lives, legacies, and fascinating stories of the monarchs who shaped the nation. From the ancient rulers of the Anglo-Saxon era to the illustrious Tudors, the steadfast Victorians, and the modern Windsor dynasty, this page is your gateway to understanding the people behind the crown.
Discover their triumphs and tribulations, their influence on politics, culture, and the world, and how their reigns continue to impact us today. Whether you're a history enthusiast or just beginning your royal journey, we invite you to delve into the captivating world of England's kings and queens.
King Egbert (Ecgberht)
Reigned 802-839
King Aethelwulf
Reigned 839-856
King Aethelbald
Reigned 856-860
King Aethelberht
Reigned 860-865
King Aethelred I
Reigned 865-871
King Alfred the Great
Reigned 871-899
King Edward the Elder
Reigned 899-924
King Aethelstan
Reigned 924-939
King Edmund I
Reigned 939-946
King Eadred
Reigned 946-955
King Eadwig
Reigned 955-959
King Edgar the Peaceful
Reigned 959-975
King Edward the Martyr
Reigned 975-978
King Aethelred II the Unready
Reigned 978-1013 1014-1016
King Sweyn Forkbeard
Reigned 1013-1014
King Edmund II Ironside
Reigned 1016
King Cnut the Great
Reigned 1016-1035
King Harold I Harefoot
Reigned 1035-1040
King Harthacnut
Reigned 1040-1042
King Edward the Confessor
Reigned 1042-1066
King Harthacnut
Reigned 1040-1042
King Harold II (Godwinson)
Reigned 1066
King William I the Conqueror
Reigned 1066-1087
King William II
Reigned 1087-1100
King Henry I
Reigned 1100-1135
King Stephen Reigned 1135-1154
King Henry II
Reigned 1154-1189
King Richard I Lionheart
Reigned 1189-1199
King John
Reigned 1199-1216
King Henry III
Reigned 1216-1272
King Edward I
Reigned 1272-1307
King Edward II
Reigned 1307-1327
King Edward III
Reigned 1327-1377
King Richard II
Reigned 1377-1399
King Henry IV
Reigned 1399-1413
King Henry V
Reigned 1413--1422
King Henry VI
Reigned 1422-1461 1470-1471
King Edward IV
Reigned 1461-1470 1471-1483
King Edward V
Reigned 1483
King Richard III
Reigned 1483-1485
King Henry VII
Reigned 1485-1509
King Henry VIII
Reigned 1509-1547
King Edward VI
Reigned 1547-1553
Queen Mary I
Reigned 1553-1558
Queen Elizabeth I
Reigned 1558-1603
King James I
Reigned 1603-1625
King Charles I
Reigned 1625-1649
Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector
Richard Cromwell Lord Protector 1658-1659
King Charles II
Reigned 1660-1685
King James II
Reigned 1685-1688